Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Lee Ann Brown  I Pledge Allergy  Reading at the Ear Inn, October 15, 1988 
 2. Brent Phillips  Allergy Clearing Program  Theta Healing LA 
 3. Dr. Craig Wax  2008 Allergy Update  Your Health Matters 
 4. Jersey Todd  Episode 34 - Allergy-Free Show  Jersey Toddshow 
 5. Dr. Evelyn Higgins  Cold or Allergy - Is Your Cellphone Dangerous - Hypertension and Cognitive Decline - Happiness Suggestion 4  Your Body Is A Wonderland 
 6. Barrett Golding  The Pledge  Hearing Voices 
 7. Kidz In The Hall  The Pledge  The In Crowd  
 8. Conflict  Pledge  This is Phoenix Not The Circle Jerks 
 9. Darkmoon  The Pledge  Half 
 10. Chemotherapy  Pledge  Chemotherapy EP 
 11. Chemotherapy  Pledge  Chemotherapy EP 
 12. Conflict  Pledge  This is Phoenix Not The Circle Jerks 
 13. Chemotherapy  Pledge  Chemotherapy EP 
 14. Barrett Golding  The Pledge  Hearing Voices 
 15. Hideyuki Fukisawa  Pledge  Chaos Legion Original Soundtrack 
 16. Chemotherapy  Pledge  Chemotherapy EP 
 17. Emily Elizabeth  The Pledge of Allegiance   
 18. Richard "RED" Skelton  The Pledge Of Allegiance  Columbia 4-44798 
 19. Richard "RED" Skelton  The Pledge Of Allegiance  Columbia 4-44798 
 20. Richard  The Pledge Of Allegiance  Columbia 4-44798 
 21. Richard  The Pledge Of Allegiance  Columbia 4-44798 
 22. Red Skelton  The Pledge Of Allegiance    
 23. Darla Hood  I Pledge Allegiance  Acama 129 
 24. Darla Hood  I Pledge Allegiance  Acama 129 
 25. Red Skelton  The Pledge Of Allegiance    
 26. Red Skelton  Pledge Of Alegence  title  
 27. DYNAMIX II  Pledge Your Allegiance To E...  Pledge Your Allegiance To Electro Funk 
 28. Peaches & Herb  I Pledge My Love  Art Laboe's Vol. 9  
 29. Eric Horner  The Pledge Of Allegiance  For God And Country 
 30. Richard "RED" Skelton  The Pledge Of Allegiance  Columbia 4-44798 
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